T.J. Maxx w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneT.J. Maxx



🕗 godziny otwarcia

231, Airport Plaza Boulevard, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-844-9682
strona internetowej: www.tjmaxx.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7391636, Longitude: -73.4184746

komentarze 5

  • en

    Valentina Rodriguez


    My to go to store!!! Love the different variety of products..

  • MOBILE NOTARY - Will Travel to You

    MOBILE NOTARY - Will Travel to You


    If your bourgeois and you think you're better than others.....shop here because they have name brands that may be a little irregular, barely noticeable, but prices are bargains.

  • en

    Steve Bender


    Good store a lot of little items for gifting etc.kinda messy at times seems mismanaged.

  • en

    Wendy Cheung


    Very bad customer service. Today I shopped at that location in afternoon and after I paid for my stuff I couldn't find it since the color of the item blend with other stuffs. I asked the cashier where is my iron and she replied with "what orange ?" Then I asked her again where is my hair iron and she pointed to the iron and I already said, oh sorry I didn't see it. Then she rolled her eyes and said " Oh my goodness!". I am like " I just don't see it so I asked u a simple question, why you give customer attitude ? " This is totally unacceptable and I will not go back to that store anymore. Very very rude cashier.

  • Katrina Bryant

    Katrina Bryant


    Today I stopped in to pick up a few items. The overall shopping experience was great until I reached the cash register from no other than what I’m assuming was a store manager, Zaklina. My two teenage children walked to her register first to inquire about the price of an item that was on the clearance table with no tags. When my daughter advised there were no tags and needed a price she very abruptly and in a non welcoming tone told her “well I don’t know the price” and pushed it away from her My daughter said well that’s why I’m asking because it doesn’t have a price She rolled her eyes and then had another worker take it to price check As I walked up she was very stand offish and clearly not having a good day I would think that I could expect better customer service when I’m spending my hard earned dollars For future reference I know to go to another store as clearly Zakina is bothered by her guests.

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