T.J. Maxx w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneT.J. Maxx



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1200, South Clearview Parkway, 70123, New Orleans, Jefferson Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-734-2138
strona internetowej: www.tjmaxx.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.959821, Longitude: -90.1872405

komentarze 5

  • en

    sandra fanguy


    Great place for a well priced gift

  • en



    Very crowded T.J. Maxx store in a small Mall... huge store with a huge selection of things for house, travel, clothing and more... I was looking to buy luggage for my travel so I searched this store... I was surprised because they had the best prices on some luggage brands... I am a picky person and I guarantee you that I was definitely pleased with my purchase... the store is a little messy to be honest but you can give the credit because a lot of people going there for shopping... anyway the staff is kind and helpful and I was satisfied totally with the time I had spent there...

  • T Bates

    T Bates


    Greeting was far better than all my phone calls. Nannette is the mgr on duty. She was the only one that treated me fairly. She also said the famous words I am trying to help you. That in this case has made things better. I'm shocked at the time it took to get a mgr. On the phone. The employees in this TJMaxx do not seem as friendly as other ones. This Maxx has cheaper pricing than other maxes around the globe. I

  • Marlene Mills

    Marlene Mills


    Crowded today, 12-9-2017 but, lines moved quickly. Good prices, lots of great items.

  • en

    Patricia Martin


    TJMaxx have been and always will be number one in my life because of the designer clothing and shoes for the best price.thanks for the new stores in new Orleans need a store on Manhattan Blvd in harvey,LA 70058

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