Tire Tech w Oakland

Stany ZjednoczoneTire Tech



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357, Ramapo Valley Road, 07436, Oakland, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-337-0016
strona internetowej: tiretechandauto.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0248939, Longitude: -74.2422629

komentarze 5

  • Cork Vegan

    Cork Vegan


    Friendly and honest. I originally came to buy tires and I have been returning ever since for auto maintenance. Highly recommended.

  • J. Hankins, CKD

    J. Hankins, CKD


    Was in need of a specific [trailer] tire and they had it. They were prompt in making the swap. Nice facility, very nice staff. Not the most economical, but "it was what it was" and Shopping or waiting wasn't an option.

  • en

    Michael Cossari


    My vehicle was towed to Tire Tech after two flats from a pothole. it was my first visit there and I was treated with utmost respect. They were very honest with me and repaired my vehicle in a timely manner and with no pressure at all! and at a reasonable price. they even applied a 20.00 coupon for me which I didn't have. Thanks you Tire Tech Oakland NJ! I just found my new tire store...

  • Dan DiMartino

    Dan DiMartino


    I have gone to Tire Tech several times in the last few years for tire installs and repair work. I am happy with the customer experience and quality of the work completed. Sam cares about his business and it shows. He knows what parts are heading to what car in his shop. I recently watched him catch the wrong part from a supplier before the work started on the car. When do you see that at the "dealership"? You don't. Running a small business is not simple or for the faint of heart, but I think Tire Tech is doing the right things to establish itself and grow.

  • en

    Michael Kelly


    Been going to Tire Tech for many years now. Sam and staff never disappoint. Fair prices, professional and fast service. Top notch business!

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