Tiffany & Co. w Coral Gables

Stany ZjednoczoneTiffany & Co.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

342, San Lorenzo Avenue, 33146, Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 305-529-4390
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7314218, Longitude: -80.2603702

komentarze 5

  • Jeysy Rivero

    Jeysy Rivero


    Love the selection of jewelry her and the staff meets the high standards of Tiffany & Co.

  • Anson Kalihi

    Anson Kalihi


    Excellent experience for her wedding ring! I'm not a professional looking person, I have tattoos (multiple) on my face and even on the back of my head to say the least. I do look like I may have did some time in the joint, BUT....I feel like I was never judged and was treated professionally here at this location. The staff was pleasant. If you want the best ask for Carlos!

  • Kevin P

    Kevin P


    I couldn't have asked for a better engagement ring buying experience. The staff was friendly and experienced. They answered all my questions, were helpful with the entire process, and made sure I was absolutely sure of the ring I wanted to purchase. Ask for January!

  • Philip Little

    Philip Little


    Very classy, and helpful. Loved my experience.

  • Magali Sofia Delgado

    Magali Sofia Delgado


    I'm rating this as Tiffany's store. I've been to much friendlier ones. I came to this one today because I was in the area. The one in Aventura is the best one I've been to. I came into this one today for the first time and wasn't greeted the way most Tiffany's do. They didn't walk me to anyone. I had to ring a bell for customer service, who took forever to come. And just felt like a "what do you want" feeling overall. Not coming to this one again. Wasn't kind, and helpful like other stores. I'll head to another store. Definitely has be Miami customer service attitude.

najbliższy Jubiler

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