Tienda Don Miguel w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneTienda Don Miguel



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3940, South Keystone Avenue, 46227, Indianapolis, Marion County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 317-784-2198
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7095363, Longitude: -86.1210204

komentarze 5

  • Edward Muns

    Edward Muns


    I love Mexican food the fresh fruits and vegetables at this Mexican grocery store and restaurant they always have what I'm looking for and it's quite expensive to make a nice fine authentic Mexican dinner but there's always someone there that speaks perfectly fluent English they helping hand with anything you would be looking for or help to your vehicle their meat Deli always has the best steak meat or fajita meat never see any flies or gnats and wouldn't go to any other Mexican store besides this one it's close convenient as always open parking spots.

  • Laura Fletcher

    Laura Fletcher


    Messed my to go order up I love their food but they seriously need at least one person that can speak and understand english.

  • Hilton Cordero

    Hilton Cordero


    the cafeteria is great. Saturday and sunday they have homemade tamales which are huge and delicious. I visit this place 5 to 6 times a month

  • en

    Bradley Worthington


    Best tacos in town! I have been to many places. But these are the best, and the taco sauce is the bomb! Steak tacos. Great food and great people.

  • Barrett McCormick

    Barrett McCormick


    This is a modest low-overhead and low cost restaurant, but there is nonetheless a deep sense of tradition and a high standard of quality. This is Mexican food served in a way that comforts my heart. Real food for real people.

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