Throgs Neck Appliance Repair en New York

Estados UnidosThrogs Neck Appliance Repair



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4038, East Tremont Avenue, 10465, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-285-0876
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8190804, Longitude: -73.817272

comentarios 5

  • Richard M. Lucero

    Richard M. Lucero


    My son broke my stove’s glass top. I thought that there was no way I could have it replaced, but my friend advised me to call Throgs Neck Appliance Repair. I was impressed = their appliance repair includes replacing glass tops on stoves and ranges. Now my unit does not have any trace of a broken glass top.

  • Royal Hara

    Royal Hara


    After using the dishwasher, I noticed that the plates still had some food particles on them so I contacted Throgs Neck Appliance Repair to take a look at my dishwasher. The culprit was the spray arm. It wasn’t spraying enough water. He just needed to clean it to get rid of the clogs. Thanks for fixing my dishwasher. Great job!

  • Kristopher M. Roach

    Kristopher M. Roach


    I had to call Throgs Neck Appliance Repair for fridge repair because my fridge was leaking all over the place! They sent a home appliance repair technician who fixed the evaporator fan that was causing the issue. Now my fridge is working like brand new, thanks to their efficient and affordable service.

  • Kurtis Nees

    Kurtis Nees


    My sister and I just bought a new oven and we needed someone to install it for us. We called Throgs Neck Appliance Repair for help and they dispatched one of their appliance service technicians right away. The installation went smoothly and he even gave us tips on how to properly care for our oven.

  • Kathleen Silvestre

    Kathleen Silvestre


    When you need any home appliance repair service, I suggest you go to Throgs Neck Appliance Repair. They have the best services such as microwave repair. My microwave oven’s PC board connector was grounded. The technician had all the right tools to resolve the problem. Now my oven no longer experiences any issue.

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