Thermo King East, Inc. en Carlstadt

Estados UnidosThermo King East, Inc.



🕗 horarios

650, Dell Road, 07072, Carlstadt, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-939-4822
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.831175, Longitude: -74.0699

comentarios 5

  • en



    They dont work on carrier products

  • Jason



    Fixed my issue, but took a few visits

  • en

    Artur Sawicki


    Very, very bad experience, not only they won’t inform you what they doing, they kept my trailer for 3 days just for pm service, end up paying over $3000 , totally unprofessional service, DON NOT GO THERE, oh one more thing, lady in the office very nasty, ohhhh, never again.

  • en

    Amanda Marisol Taylor


    Absolutely, one of the best places we have gone too.. When time is of the essence and our apu went out.. They were fast to get us in and out... With very nice and very professional mechanics. We have been trucking for years. Truck drivers need reviews to go on because we dont live around the area. With a 3 1/2 star wow! (Can't please everyone!) We give them 10 stars! Highly recommended. We would come back if we are in the neighborhood!!

  • Tony Woods

    Tony Woods


    My apu won't come on so I decided to get it looked at. I got here Sunday night and parked out front so I'd be here to check in when they opened up. They checked me in and said they'd work me in as soon as they could. They had me park just outside on the street and within 15 minutes they came and had me pull it into the door. They have a food truck that comes at 9am and they let me know before he arrived and then again when he arrived. I went outside to get something to eat and walk by to check on the truck and the apu was running. I would say they are fast and friendly. I would come back here if in the area and need work done on it again.

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