The Whitening Gals en New York

Estados UnidosThe Whitening Gals



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3843, East Tremont Avenue, 10465, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-925-5421
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.824315, Longitude: -73.819894

comentarios 5

  • Deisy Vargas

    Deisy Vargas


    They’re amazing ! I love my results. It just takes 20 minuets !! They’re very nice as well, amazing customer service. Definitely coming here again !

  • Desi



    Had a really great experience with the Whitening Gals and especially Allie! She’s very thorough and very knowledgeable with the services her business provides. I saw immediate results and will definitely be returning for another session!!!

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    Jordana Paz


    I always pass by the Whitening Gals and finally decided to go in last week to make an appt for today. I was greeted with smiles and told they could accommodate any time I had available since my schedule was limited. They even offered to see me after regular working hours. I went in this morning and I saw results right away after the first treatment. It has been almost 6 hours and I feel absolutely no discomfort or sensitivity, they also made sure to apply a paste to protect my teeth since they are a little sensitive. They were very friendly yet very professional and I would recommend them. My teeth are looking even whiter as I’m typing this. Happy customer! Thanks ladies.

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    Leo Supreme


    Wonderful experience! I was greeted by Allie who initially welcomed me with kindness, a bright smile, and displayed an exceptional level of professionalism. The environment was sanitary with a blend of a tranquil ambiance that made my first visit more susceptible towards relaxation. They definitely delivered the promise of brighter teeth in addition to the big smile on my face as I walked out from a complete overall satisfied experience. I would definitely recommend this place to anyone in search of a more luminous smile, and service filled with lots of positive energy from people who are passionately committed to delivering excellent service. Thank you Whitening Gals!!! Leo Supreme

  • Janet Rosario

    Janet Rosario


    Amazing experience!!!! Walked in very skeptical cause I never did this before but after the first treatment. Wow. I’m sold. Can’t believe I was walking around like this all these years and never realized my smile’s potential. The staff was very inviting and knowledgeable. Made me feel right at home. Great service and outcome. Recommend to Anyone looking to brighten up their lives and the lives of others with a great smile. Thanks guys. Janet

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