The Wedding Dresser w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Wedding Dresser



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254 36th Street, C-253, Brooklyn, NY 11232, США
kontakt telefon: +1 347-743-8493
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Latitude: 40.65602, Longitude: -74.007522

komentarze 5

  • Viva La Nia

    Viva La Nia


    I loved how everything wasn't rushed. They took thier time with re-creating your dress the way YOU wanted it! I got my prom dress done here and it came out amazing!

  • Tamie Tamie

    Tamie Tamie


    I wanted to use her. But, then she said something smart that changed my mind in an instant. Told her that I have other appointments to fulfill, and she wanted me to tell her where I was going, so that she can tell me if it's cheaper or not. The price was not an issue, however it doesn't hurt. Her attitude changed When I told her that I will not be leaving my dress. The Other bridal shops understood, gave me a price and knows that I'm still 5 months out from my wedding day. It doesn't matter if it was her or not. I will not leave my dress anywhere for months at a time before the process is ready to begin. No Thanks! Why else people goes to any store or business? Obviously for the quality of work, and good price. But, if one can get the same quality of work for a bit less. It does not hurt. She lost my business the moment she said that..."People don't come to us for the price. They come for the quality of work" then, why was I there is not for the quality of work? And she have the nerve to ask me for my budget. To ladies, don't give anyone your budget. They will kill it if you give It to them. Bye lady! Bye!

  • en

    Benita D'angelis


    The Wedding Dress is the place to go! I brought my dress to this place just a few days before my sweet 16 after I had a horrible experience with my dress at another place. Susan and her staff got to work with my dress immediately and they did a wonderful job on it! I highly recommend The Wedding Dresser for anyone who needs professional and high quality service. Thanks to them, I looked like a princess on my special day. -Angelina D’angelis

  • en

    Clare Nauman


    Susan and her team were full of great suggestions for how best to alter my bridesmaid dress for the perfect fit. I showed up knowing that the dress didn't fit well, but not totally sure what it needed to get there. I thought perhaps the hem needed to be lifted. At my consultation, we found that by adjusting the bust and bringing in the sides of the bodice, the dress hung on me at the perfect length, and no hemming needed. Thanks to Susan, Tressa, and team for nailing the alteration on the first go and the great experience!

  • Eva



    I fell in love with a BHLDN dress online and snapped it up when it came back to their site in my size only - then I crossed my fingers. It arrived, as lovely as I imagined, but the delicate and unsupportive dress needed some work to make it support and flatter my body. I was terrified that alterations would destroy a dress so gossamer and perfect I never tried on another, so I knew the wedding alterations team I chose would have to be a great one. I did my research. LOTS OF IT. And again and again, Susan and her team were it. Susan’s theater experience, and decades of bridal expertise mean she knows any garment, any age, all body types, inside and out. This was a woman who would respect and understand a beautiful dress, and find a way to make it work. I went to her original space for my first fitting - a tulle, ostrich, rhinestone wonderland - and could tell immediately that my experience would go perfectly. She developed a plan to attach a detachable low-backed corset, brought the delicate tulle boatneck laid flat against my sternum, and tried on a few veil options with an antique crown I had bought. My next two appointments in her new Industry City space saw Susan expertly fit my gorgeous dress to me - as well as my mom’s, and my bridesmaid’s dresses - they each have different body types to mine, and had dresses that were long and covered in intricate beading and sequins. My mom was also able to purchase a few hairpins from her accessories line, which helped make the process even easier. I heard again and again how lovely and unusual my dress was, and it looks PERFECT in our photos. I recommended her to two very different style and body type brides with very different dresses, and they had experiences that were just as positive as mine.

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