The Vinyl Room i Wappingers Falls

Forenede StaterThe Vinyl Room



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2656, East Main Street, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-297-3344
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.598837, Longitude: -73.919217

kommentar 5

  • Jason Manenkoff

    Jason Manenkoff


    Fantastic place for those that have a love for hip hop funk soul and craft beer or those looking to broaden their horizons.

  • en

    Bill Hiemcke


    What an awesome little gem in the Village of Wappingers. Have a craft brew and pizza while shopping for records! And listen to them too!! Owner is gracious and always willing to help!

  • en

    Robert Bowker


    Cool place in wappinger falls ny. A couple solid draft lines they have decent beer on tap on occasion which is great! If you like vinyls I prefer mp4s in 2018 it’s a great spot to chill and listen to classing music! Best spot in Wappingers hands down.

  • Dorian



    A unique addition to the village very much needed. Amazing customer service, awesome pizza, a bar, plus an arcade! Atmosphere is welcoming, roomy but not much seating which is alright, the place did just open. However, a nice comfortable place to be in. Highly recommended.

  • Kevin Allman

    Kevin Allman


    Quite possibly the most interesting and innovative place I have ever been in. When you first walk into TVR you immediately feel the positive energy in the air. Great place to visit after a hard day at work. Drop in, have a drink and enjoy some great music. Old retro arcade games line the walls, and depending on when you visit, there may be a DJ spinning old funk, jazz, hip-hop, or a live band. It's clear to see that the owner of this establishment has a passion for good music, and creating an environment of positive vibes and good company. If this all sounds good to you, then you owe it to yourself to stop by. I know I will be back soon. 5 stars!

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