The Vintage w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Vintage



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3121, Magazine Street, 70115, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-324-7144
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.9243554, Longitude: -90.0860477

komentarze 5

  • Erica Teachout

    Erica Teachout


    A great place for drinks, brunch, and beignets! Their drink menu was bigger than their food menu but the food that they do have is amazing!! They have a variety of warm, fluffy beignets including a s’mores flavor that is out of this world. We went during a busy Sunday but we still got a seat (seat yourself + order at the counter) and got our orders quickly. There is outside seating that is dog-friendly! I will be returning :)

  • Leslie Almeida

    Leslie Almeida


    The Vintage is my favorite type of place; chill, friendly, great atmosphere, and quality goods for a fair price. I often pop in for a large espresso and one of their freshly baked pastries (those blackout cookies with powdered sugar are awesome!), but I recently hosted a small celebration here and everything was perfect, from staff and service, to food and drinks. We enjoyed artisan flatbreads, cheese plates, delicious housemade meatballs and more. These items can be found on their regular menu, so be sure to pop in for brunch or even a date night, and pop a bottle or two while you're at it.

  • Carter



    Really classy space, with a few outside tables and funky decor. $5 bubblies and wine for HH, plus $5 snacks - fries were outstanding, beignets good but not great. Cute and friendly spot!

  • David Zapletal

    David Zapletal


    Great spin on traditional beignets with chicory coffee. A fabulous edition to the garden district.

  • en

    Annie Preaux


    The matcha beignets are amazing! And so fresh! I can’t wait to spend more time here!

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