The UPS Store w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

660, 4th Street, 94107, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 415-615-6968
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.7774167, Longitude: -122.3956239

komentarze 5

  • Paul m

    Paul m


    $20 fee to pick up item shipped to store. FYI their competitors don’t charge stupid fees like this.

  • feng li

    feng li


    Store is easy to find. The ups guy was super friendly!!! I had lots thing to ship it took a long time. And the line was getting really long like 5 people behind me. Even I felt really bad, but the ups guys was still super friendly and help thu every questions and needs. Thank you!!!

  • Minh Tue Vo Thanh

    Minh Tue Vo Thanh


    Staffs are awesome and super friendly. The printing and copying service is great too.

  • en

    Dennis Santos


    Wow! Brian L. Is quite literally the best person that UPS could ever hire. I needed to return my cable box today (AT&T customer). The first guy I talked to, a chubby fellow with colorful hair, said without my account number there was no hope of returning my cable box. I stood by the window, dejected, in despair and quite dismayed at the waste of time and effort to lug two cable boxes and a modem (plus cords, remotes, etc... ) to the store. That is when Brian L. walked forth and said he could return my cable boxes the long it just would take a few extra minutes. It wasn’t even a full minute and the boxes were returned and I was on my way, receipt in hand. That guy is awesome! Brian gets 5-stars. The chubby guy with the colorful hair, he gets zero stars.

  • Max Goodman

    Max Goodman


    I've been going to this UPS store for 5 years and like it a lot. The staff are genuinely friendly and helpful. 👍

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