The UPS Store w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

65, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-356-0022
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0738437, Longitude: -73.5484026

komentarze 5

  • Bryan Murray

    Bryan Murray


    I recently needed notary services. When I phoned to learn about the availability, the employee was very cordial and helpful. When I visited the store to get my documents notarized, the gentleman (in the turban) was extremely friendly and helpful. I would return to this store for the same service again.

  • en

    Nicholas D. Hooyman


    These guys are great in here. Very friendly, personable, and most of all, understanding.

  • Patricia



    I specifically asked for my package to go out with a tracking number so I could notify buyer. OJ the clerk said okay. It turns out it does not have a tracking number. Numerous hrs trying to get someone to help with no luck. Now I may lose $50 because my recipient could claim she never received package.

  • en



    I went there yesterday, 5pm. the two staff managed to get through the line of waiting customers in very short amount of time, many times even multi-tasking. great service, friendly staff - Good Job, guys!!

  • Franklyn Lohr

    Franklyn Lohr


    I have had a horrible experience with this place. First of all, they're not friendly with me at all. The way they treated me was unfriendly and disrespectful. It made me feel awkward. I get treated better at a fast food place than here! Not to mention they overcharged me for packing!! A total waste of money!! You're better off just buying the stupid box from them and packing it yourself. Rather than pay these fools to do it. I will never let them pack anything for me again!!! DON'T LET THEM OVERCHARGE YOU!!!! THEY WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OFF YOU!!

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