The UPS Store w Manhasset

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



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565, Plandome Road, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-869-0124
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7999387, Longitude: -73.7018138

komentarze 5

  • en

    Josh Doeshi


    The person that runs this place is insane. Do not rent a mailbox or trust him with your mail in any way. He should be shut down by UPS.

  • cindy zhan

    cindy zhan


    I would give them zero stars if possible. Do not go to this store. I prop open the door because I had to bring in a heavy package and the man yelled I mean he yelled at me for not closing it. He then said in the most rude way of there's anything else. I came for an amazon drop off. I have never been treated this way before by any store of restaurant. I would report him to bbb if I have a cause this is seriously close to assult.

  • Michael Yudin

    Michael Yudin


    This place sucks. In addition the UPS website says it's open at 7:30 and they are really open at 9 and don't bother correcting it. I drove there today to pick up my package only to find a locked door.

  • Nick Robinson

    Nick Robinson


    Avoid at all costs. Service was poor and they will charge you for everything. The man behind the counter got frustrated with my questions and raised his voice. Very unpleasant. He also stuck his hand in my package as I was packing it up to see what was inside. Staples down the road has a ups store inside of you need it.

  • Karina Krzelj

    Karina Krzelj


    This place is a scam that should be put out of business! The owner kept insisting I place my smartphone on top on the package in order for him to scan it (mind you, the package was on the scale). When I called him out on it, he began shouting at me, asking where I lived! (I'm a Manhasset resident for over 20 years, but how is this relevant??) We need to come together and drive this rude and dishonest business out of our town....

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