The UPS Store en Mount Kisco

Estados UnidosThe UPS Store



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487, East Main Street, 10549, Mount Kisco, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-666-4336
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1935881, Longitude: -73.725851

comentarios 5

  • Celeste Holt-Walters

    Celeste Holt-Walters


    I walked into this UPS store with 3 boxes to ship. I had return labels in my email and they refused to print them for me (even though this location claims “business services” - yet the can’t print a label??). I asked if I can leave my boxes while I drive down the street to staples to see if I can print there. The man was extremely rude & refused. Then a manager overrode the rude man. At that point I decided to take my boxes and go. Meanwhile, I’m 9 months pregnant with a broken ankle and they just watched me go in and out of the store 3 times carrying my 3 boxes back out to my car. What kind of people do that???

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    Meike M


    Told me return label was invalid and couldn't be used. Took the same parcel to a different UPS store and label was totally fine. Waste of my time!

  • Rob Cadwallader

    Rob Cadwallader


    It's 2:15pm. It's closed. Site says you are open until 3pm. Thanks for wasting my time!

  • Christina Malek

    Christina Malek


    Charged me $4 to tape 2 packages that already had pre paid labels on them. Really? They couldn't just roll one piece of tape on the box?

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    Korey Linn


    horrible location. Hours aren't properly advertised. Arrived at 6:20, they close at 630. The gate was down & I could hear people talking in the back room. I noticed a lot of people have had the same issue. Location needs new owners. I would've given 0 stars if it were allowed

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