The UPS Store i New York

Forenede StaterThe UPS Store



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46-28, Vernon Boulevard, 11101, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-406-9385
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7461182, Longitude: -73.9531652

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rodrigo Amarante


    Super friendly, fast service. They always find the best deal for my shipping needs.

  • Hiliary Pownall

    Hiliary Pownall


    I thought I was receiving great service from this ups location over the past two years, unfortunately this holiday season I did not. The employee added “signature required” to every one of my packages I shipped without notifying or explaining that they were adding it. This was an additional $4.50 per package. I was shipping cookies, I obviously did not require a signature. Very disappointed.

  • en

    Carolina Juana Alexander


    The LADY here was the most amazing person. Managing the whole place on her own and was still very attentive to each and every customer. Completely changed my stressful morning!

  • Bobby Lopez

    Bobby Lopez


    The personnel at this UPS store are kind and efficient. There are no bad attitudes or laziness that can immediately turn you off. My interactions with them are always professional and warmhearted.

  • Jeff Lien

    Jeff Lien


    I had a really good experience. Wish that UPS 1-800 reps were this together. Turns out I couldn't ship something that the 800 number rep said I could but the people here were very thorough in helping me figure out my options. Next time I'll call the store with my questions. Live and learn.

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