The UPS Store en New York

Estados UnidosThe UPS Store



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2744, Hylan Boulevard, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-980-0700
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5644532, Longitude: -74.113868

comentarios 5

  • en

    Aleksander Rozov


    Woman who works there is rude. Overall the place is unprofessional. They charged me $2.00 to put an inch of tape of tape on a package that wasn't sealed well. UPS, I hope you are reading it. If you don't improve the service there, I will take my business to FedEx or USPS and encourage others to do the same.

  • en

    Cristina Voinea


    I’ve paid for 2 days delivery and the order came after 1 week .

  • Gilbert Rodriguez

    Gilbert Rodriguez


    Took an envelope there that was an Amazon return. I had to pay $2.18 for them to print out a shipping label. Thankfully, Amazon reimbursed me for the label. I was using a QR code, but their scanner couldn't read it. I had to call Amazon, they saved me. Sad state of affairs, UPS being the premier shipping company in this fantastic country we live in.

  • en

    M. A.


    Had multiple visits here, used the notary, dropped of pre labeled packages and even purchased shipping labels, never had an issue. Call in advance if using the notary.

  • Captin



    I brought in a package that was a Amazon return and they wanted a 2 dollar service fee to tape the envelope closed. What a a bunch of rip off artists

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