The UPS Store w Merrick

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



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2059, Merrick Road, 11566, Merrick, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-771-5556
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6574372, Longitude: -73.5478873

komentarze 5

  • en



    I am very happy with all of my experiences at this UPS Store. All of the employees are friendly and professional and I am always made to feel like a valued customer. The new location (only 1 shopping center down the road) is even nicer than the previous one, and with ample parking. I would highly recommend this UPS Store. :)

  • en

    Jacob Feinstein


    I was dreading having to deal with getting documents printed, notarized, and overnight them to my daughter while I was visiting. UPS store was the absolute last place I wanted to be spending my time, but Jonah made the experience fun (yes, truly!) and went out of his way to help me get everything done as efficiently and painlessly as possible. Outstanding service; can't recommend this UPS store highly enough

  • en

    Alan Schwartz


    Super people to deal with. I'm in there maybe once per week to ship out products from my office. They're efficient, polite and simply get the job done. I saw the negative reviews and can only think that they are not telling the whole story as each time I'm in there, it's always a good experience.

  • Mike P

    Mike P


    Wow where do I start. I paid $125 to ship an expensive collectible item and asked them to package it so I could see the final product. The girl who helped me was doing it then the other guy working there said they wouldn't do it then stopped her and told me to pack it myself. While packing it, it didn't fit so then he told me that's why they do the packing and then told me to take my money back and leave. I went to another store and they were great had no problem with anything.

  • en

    Ghost the Wolf


    Quite possibly the worst customer service I've ever experienced. This place and the people who work here are trash(I'm aware that's strong language). They lost my package I sent to my family containing all our Christmas gifts. As a UPS store they have one job, to send packages from point A to point B and they were incapable of accomplishing that task. AVOID THIS PLACE AT ALL COSTS! There is a fed-ex shipping nearby, just use them. Carrier pigeon is a better way to send items than this place. Putting your items in a bottle and releasing it into the Ocean will have a better chance of making it your destination than giving it to these people. Maybe they have a horde of all the stuff they have "lost" somewhere in the store, wouldn't be surprised. The only reason you should use this place is if your garbage cans at home are full and you need this UPS store to deliver your excess trash into oblivion because apparently that's where my package is. DO NOT GO HERE

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