The UPS Store i Hicksville

Forenede StaterThe UPS Store



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17B, East Old Country Road, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-822-8404
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7640559, Longitude: -73.5173223

kommentar 5

  • en

    paul persaud


    Rude ass old manager and staff

  • en

    Beverley Telford


    Very helpful and efficient.

  • Rabin Sangraula

    Rabin Sangraula


    Worse customer services I ever seen .

  • en

    Sky High


    What a service. Just dropped few packages with prepaid labels. The both boys were enthusiastic and went extra mile to help. They were quick.

  • en

    Stephanie Carroll


    This is my third time at this store and I can honestly say every time I have been treated so kindly. Each time I came in the employees were very helpful and kind to me. I always use this location. I used to work at another UPS location and the service was nothing like this location.

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