The UPS Store w Yonkers

Stany ZjednoczoneThe UPS Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1767 Central Park Ave South, Yonkers, NY 10710, США
kontakt telefon: +1 914-337-7255
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9602414, Longitude: -73.843022

komentarze 5

  • joe jacob

    joe jacob


    Excellent caring staff, in and out, so easy to drop off, and shipping.

  • Toby Adelman

    Toby Adelman


    Incredibly helpful owner and staff. We showed up with our daughter’s four years of college belongings and John and Jaren assisted us to pack it up and ship back to CA the contents. Ten well-packed boxes later and the load on our shoulders was lifted. This store is incredible. The service went above and beyond. I would highly recommend this UPS store!

  • en

    Debra Bannon Siegel


    This location does not have a licensed notary on the premises as advertised.

  • Ahmad Qar'awi

    Ahmad Qar'awi


    I am proud to have my mailing address there, I remember when we opened the account with them, everyone there was kind and helpful .. they replied all the questions... You will have a physical address, not a PO box, I highly recommend it..

  • Javi Rodriguez

    Javi Rodriguez


    I was doing a favor for my uncle and sent out a 10.6lb box to Miami ground commercial. I gave the guy my credit card once the label was created. I never looked at the price until two days after. I realized I was charged $39 for a 10lb box with dimensions of (16.00X22.00x11.00in). I went back to see if it was a mistake and they told me no. Due to the dimensions of my box my 10lb box now became a 24lb box? Like seriously? The box wasn’t big and also the guy working there never mentioned that to me. Would’ve been nice to know that my 10lb box magically became a 24lb box from one second to the other... I wouldn’t have sent out the box through ups if they would have told me.... I come here all the time because I live right by ups. But I won’t be back. ✌🏼🤘🏼

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