The UPS Store in New York

Vereinigte StaatenThe UPS Store



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160-4, Cross Bay Boulevard, 11414, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-322-2600
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6572741, Longitude: -73.8398234

kommentare 5

  • Steph Hernandez

    Steph Hernandez


    Danny is probably the nicest sales representative I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. He was extremely helpful and patient despite the fact that I walked in 15mins before closing. I was able to smoothly send out 2 small packages, to 2 different destinations, in less than 10 mins with him. Absolutely wonderful, thank you Danny! It was a bit difficult for me to find the store as their building is undergoing construction. The images on here show they're on the corner but they're actually 1 store or 2 over. I was able to find them thanks the yellow spray paint sign on the side. You're allowed to park in the lot they share with Rite Aid.

  • Mr Marcel

    Mr Marcel


    Always friendly and eager to help. Some of the comments where people have to wait online is just how it works lol. I am usually in and out in 2 minutes. I have never had a bad experience here.

  • en

    Sandra Wiley


    The staff here are very helpful, professional, and friendly. I come here about two or three times per month for packages & the staff here takes care of my shipping & receiving needs without a hitch. Do note: this store location is still 160-04 Cross Bay Blvd., however, they moved one storefront away from their original corner location. I will take photos the next time I'm in the area so check back.

  • en



    People working their are very nice and professional, but be very careful even when you do everything right, and your package comes back, they will not give you a refund at all. and getting the owner or main people is close to impossible. not reliable, better off using the Post Office. I would not trust any ups store after this experience. I did not even want to rate them, even the post office gives a proper response and refund. Not a good place to send important mail and packages. They need to be more accountable, make sure you find out what procedures are before mailing anything.

  • Bee Oum

    Bee Oum


    I've used them numerous of times. Sending packages here in the U.S. And overseas. Pleasant workers and manager. I never step foot into a post office anymore! For at least a year! Very helpful and courteous. Very convenient!

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