The UPS Store en Stamford

Estados UnidosThe UPS Store



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1127, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 203-322-5152
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1086922, Longitude: -73.5466041

comentarios 5

  • Jon Perelstein

    Jon Perelstein


    I've always had good results with this place. They changed ownership a couple of years ago and with bunch of new employees there was some stumbling and bumbling - but that's long over and the staff all seem to know what they are doing and do it well. I deal with them about once every two weeks. The stuff that was sent to me gets received and the stuff I'm sending gets sent out to the right place with the right packing (i.e., nothing broken). I've had some simple signs made and they were done properly, and I've had them do some large photocopying jobs for me and they were done properly also. I'm not sure what else can be said, except that the new owners are Indian and I've seen some very trumpian racism directed at them - mostly over things like their refusal to break federal law by shipping prohibited hazardous material or their refusal to accept poorly packaged fragile goods.

  • monica thea

    monica thea


    I've not had any bad experiences here as others have shared. There is another ups store further down on High Ridge so perhaps they mean that store. Staff is here nice enough, as a mailbox renter I am frustrated that I sometimes have to wait but that's about it.

  • en

    Michael Gorman


    Friendly and helpful staff. Quick service every time I've mailed a package.

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    Hector Ruiz


    I have used this location several times and they have always been pleasant and efficient. I cant help to think as some of the bad comments that it comes from the Karma you give. Just because you are the customer it does not mean you can be rude and expect the world to be at your feet.

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    Bekim Ukperaj


    I've had mixed experiences with this location. Some times friendly and helpful but couple of times I'd go in and be the only one in the store and just wait for someone to help me even as there were couple of employees working. Weird, didn't make sense. They'd just continue doing whatever it was they were doing as I stood by the counter. But like I said other times I'd be helped right away. Guess it depends who is in when you visit.

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