The Trestle w Cornwall-on-Hudson

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Trestle



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, Idlewild Avenue, 12520, Cornwall-on-Hudson, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-534-2400
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.445339, Longitude: -74.0156251

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mike Parrington


    The food we got was very good, however our server was not. She would disappear for long periods of time even though it was not busy (we were the only table in the dining room). It was almost 1 1/2 hours from the time we sat down till our food arrived

  • en

    dianne wallestad


    would have given negative stars. service slow, drinks are small..overpriced and liquor is watered down.

  • en

    Chris Fisher


    Great spot, food is very good (legit restaurant quality, not "bar food" quality), prices are super reasonable, service is super friendly, patrons are friendly.

  • Nick Sloanhoffer

    Nick Sloanhoffer


    This is the place to go in Cornwall for a great beer or a mixed drink AND great food! I came in hoping for a decent beer. When I sat down, the bartender asked me a few specific questions and handed me a delicious porter! I asked for the menu and ordered zucchini fries and a lamb burger. I asked about the source of the meat and was told all about the local farm and given the number to call them and visit if I wanted. The fries and burger were delicious and it was so much food I was stuffed! Combine that with the beers on draft and I will never waste my time anywhere else in Cornwall NY!!

  • en

    Anna Martin


    Nice bar, ambiance, great bartender, nice beer selection. pulled-pork quesadilla was amazing (and large, a lot of food even split between one guy and one girl). Went early on a Saturday, pretty quiet but everyone was nice and it was perfect for a few drinks and some bar food.

najbliższy Bar

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