The Training Floor w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Training Floor



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Środaotwarte 24 godziny
346, Hope Street, 06906, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-388-8900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.071766, Longitude: -73.524206

komentarze 5

  • Matt Becker

    Matt Becker


    I've been going to The Training Floor for almost 3 years. Ray is a great trainer and cares about his client's success. He goes the extra mile and accommodates a sometimes random schedule. You can tell that he and all of the trainers want to help make you a better person inside and out.

  • Jennifer Glen

    Jennifer Glen


    Ray and his trainers are not only professional but personable they care about your progress and always encouraging you along the way while they kick your butt during fun but challenging group exercises ! I feel more confident than ever !

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    Cynthia Janshego


    Intimidation and doubt were just a few of the many emotions I felt when I began my fitness journey eight years ago. After my first session at The Training Floor all of my disbelief was replaced with confidence and hope. I feel like I'm a part of so much more than a gym. I'm a part of a family. One that guides and supports me as I work to better myself. Every week I look forward to seeing what innovative and fun exercises each trainer brings to class. I am thankful to have found a gym where I feel free to be myself, motivated to improve, and surrounded by positivity.

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    Udom Motayasiri


    The Training Floor is not a gym where you can just jump on the elliptical to watch ESPN. You come to TTF to get your butt whooped and then the next day you come back for more! Seriously though, TTF is a great place for small group classes and one-on-one personal training. The workouts are innovative and make use of functional training equipment such as TRX, sleds, kettlebells, and Tyres just to name a few. If you don't know what those things are, don't worry, they'll teach you how to use them. The classes are small enough that the instructors can correct your form and/or bark at you if you're not putting in enough effort! I've been coming to TTF for over 5 years now and I've never had a bad workout. Heck I've moved to Long Island and still come here weekly! I highly recommend trying one of their classes or if you want to work on a specific area, personal training is a great option. I've trained with Ray to strengthen my legs due to past knee issues (2 surgeries) and I've been pain free ever since!!!

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    Kristen B


    I joined The Training Floor for a month due to a great Groupon deal ($39 for unlimited spinning classes for a month). Not only was the facility appropriately sized and clean, but the teachers were wonderful and the members I took classes with were very welcoming. I would recommend joining this gym if you are looking for a lifestyle change, or are one of those individuals who takes fitness very seriously. The monthly fee without a discount is steep, but worthwhile if you show up.

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