The Suit Lady w Teaneck

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Suit Lady



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655, North Forest Drive, 07666, Teaneck, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-805-3168
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9015726, Longitude: -74.0222431

komentarze 5

  • en

    Yisroel Lehrer


    I love coming to shop at the suit lady, she's super nice, friendly, and straight up good at what she does. I already got 5 suits from her and will continue shopping by her. To get an appointment, no need to call and wait for them to pickup, just go online and schedule an appointment and there you have it. Need some more time making that final decision? No problem take your time. Don't have your size on the suit you fell in love with? No problem with free 3-5 day shipping you will have your shmexy new suit on time for your nephew's bar mitzvah. Basically stop reading this and just go get yourself a suit from the suit lady.

  • David W

    David W


    Amazing service!! I went in about a week before Pesach with me and 4 boys ranging from 13-24 and different sizes. In 45 minutes from our scheduled appointment time we were done with 5 suits a blazer and 5 ties! Customer service found the perfect balance of being extremely helpful without being a pushy salesman. Despite the fact that they were extremely busy we did not feel rushed or pressured. By far the best suit buying experience I ever had.

  • en

    Shlomo Simpser


    Highly Recommended! From the second you walk in you are the priority. Naomi supplies premium quality product while making you feel like you are picking out a suit from your own closet! Within 5 minutes of walking in, I was dressed in a perfect suit. That fit me like a glove. And it was the first suit Naomi suggested! I love it! It's an experience you can't get anywhere else. 6/5 stars!

  • richard gertler

    richard gertler


    I highly recommend the suit lady. All suits same price. Naomi knows what she has and what will work for you. Super convenient and efficient way to buy great suits.

  • en

    Moe D


    What an amazing experience it is shopping there. Naomi is pleasant and professional. And she's very good at figuring out what suit will look best on you.

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