The Strand Urban Italian en Phoenix

Estados UnidosThe Strand Urban Italian



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2, East Jefferson Street, 85004, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-253-1600
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4474723, Longitude: -112.0732602

comentarios 5

  • Rick Klawitter

    Rick Klawitter


    An absolute must for downtown dining. Both lunch and dinner are great. Some of the nicest owners and staff you will meet.

  • Burr Anthony

    Burr Anthony


    It's a small place, with a bar and a large kitchen. Dark lighting, lots of friendly sounds. Like a true neighborhood Italian restaurant should be. Man did we have a great experience. We got to chat with the owner and his wife for a good while. They are such nice people. We also got to meet the owner's son.

  • James Preston

    James Preston


    Amazing food, atmosphere and staff! Highly recommend it!

  • Silvia Hedges

    Silvia Hedges


    Great atmosphere, food, and drinks. They were busy, but owner was incredibly attentive, dived right in to help his staff, and still delivered excellent service. Will return for sure!

  • en

    Wesley Losh


    This was a perfect example of customer no-service from the waitress to the manager. Food was good but service was HORRIBLE!!! Food did not come out correctly and one order was cold. Had to wait 30 mins for the correction to be brought out to the table. Waitress didn't seem to care, drinks empty most of dinner. Watched some people recieve great service which made it even more disappointing. So if you by chance get good wait staff you may have a chance at a good evening.

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