The Starliner w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Starliner



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Myrtle Avenue, 11237, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-405-6572
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.698786, Longitude: -73.916901

komentarze 5

  • Taylor Henderson

    Taylor Henderson


    Popped in looking for a cinco se Mayo spot. Had never been here before and I was a blown away. Great ambience, drinks and staff. This is definitely the spot I’m taking my out town friends

  • colin cravenho

    colin cravenho


    Always have a good time here . Dope backyard too

  • Natasha Pitcairn

    Natasha Pitcairn


    This bar is HUGE and the seating is great if you're coming with a large group of people. There's the bar and then an open space for seating in the back. We came here on a Friday night and they had a DJ playing old punk music which was cool. It didn't start getting lively until about 11 pm which was fine with me. Drinks were nice and cheap. I don't remember the last time I had a cocktail for 10$ outside of happy hour! My friend comes here all the time and I'd definitely come back if I'm ever in the neighborhood.

  • Christian Hunsberger

    Christian Hunsberger


    I went for my best buds skate premier last night and it was a great set up and bar. In the back there is an outdoor patio area and the front of the house is laid out great. They have four bathrooms and a photo both which is great for the crowds. The bar decor is tastefully placed and the bartender was great and attentive, drinks prices are fair for NYC. Good to see the homies in a cool environment and friendly setting.

  • Rachel Salcedo

    Rachel Salcedo


    This place is always a fun time. Great selection of beers and few cool cocktails. They have. A lot of space which is good because it can eat pretty crowded! They have a backyard too which is really nice when it's warm out. The bouncer is so friendly as are the bartenders. My only complaint is that the music is almost always ridiculously loud which can make it hard to hear anyone, but that hasn't stopped me from coming back!

najbliższy Bar

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