The Standard Eating House w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Standard Eating House



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4206, Magazine Street, 70115, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-509-7306
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.9208488, Longitude: -90.0993675

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lorraine Armijo


    The Ruben was to die for. Service fantastic, owner was warm and welcoming. The grapefruit martini was fabulous, had many. Great time and will make it a regular stop!!!!!!

  • en

    Corinne Brown


    Oh my , there are no words .. extremely friendly, beautiful atmosphere with an amazingly kind and knowledgeable owner. Great handcrafted cocktails, please stop in and support this special space, you will not regret it !

  • en

    Deborah Holdstein


    We enjoyed our dinner with friends at the Standard. The burgers were especially good. David, the bartender, was our waitperson and he was courteous and helpful—and the drinks were terrific.

  • Scott Bright

    Scott Bright


    We had a very nice meal here with friends before we went to the parade. We ate at the bar and had a great time. The food was very good, and so was the beer. The bartender was very friendly and helped make our time there a lot of fun. A great start to the night.

  • en

    Eva Loef


    Just stopped by to kill some time before our reservation at another spot. Could not be happier we walked into this place. The drinks were excellent - fresh, innovative and tailor made. Also the food - we had some Tacos- was very good. But what made the whole experience special was the extremely entertaining and witty conversation with the staff, especially the barkeeper. If you want to flee the crowded streets of the French Quarter and have a nice neighborhood experience, drop by here.

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