The Soapstone Depot w Little Falls

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Soapstone Depot



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101, East Main Street, 07424, Little Falls, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 551-486-7610
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8782046, Longitude: -74.2206139

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gregg DePuma


    Just had my outdoor kitchen countertop installed by Maurizio and his guys. Can't say enough how great they were through the whole process. He is a true professional and would recommend to anyone. Love the beautiful new soapstone countertop, can't wait to get using it. Quick turnaround and really clean work.

  • en

    E S


    The Soapstone Depot has the most beautiful, and best variety of Soapstone in the TriState area. (We searched many different locations befor we found the Soapstone Depot) We had a terrific experience from start to end. When I first Emailed to inquire on a quote I received an estimate back that night. When we went to check out the stone I was so pleased to see so much variety with the many different types of Soapstone. Maurizio was very informative and easy to work with. We were on a tight renovation schedule, and He adjusted his schedule to fit our needs And was always available for my many phone calls. The turn around was exceptionally fast and we were very pleased with the install. They were on time, fast, and very professional. It was a top-notch experience from start to end on every level: quality of material, the fabrication,and customer service. I highly recommend the Soapstone Depot!!!!

  • en

    D. Barry


    Maurizio is professional, responsive and a pleasure to work with. He helped me select a beautiful stone for my kitchen sink and worked with very precise measurements to 1/16" provided by my architect to fabricate a gorgeous sink in about a week's time. Very happy customer! I highly recommend The Soapstone Depot!

  • en

    Rob McNevin


    Very happy with my new soapstone countertops. Maurizio was friendly and knowledgeable, and made every step of the process easy. Fast turnaround, took only a few days. They look great. Would recommend!

  • en

    Lourdes Tango


    At Soapstone Depot we found the most beautiful and unique selection of slabs. From the selection process to the installation, Maurizio and his staff provided exceptional service. Thank you for your attention to detail and professionalism!

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