The Smilist Dental i Amityville

Forenede StaterThe Smilist Dental



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193, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-598-2940
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.677827, Longitude: -73.417189

kommentar 5

  • Marisa Brady

    Marisa Brady


    This place is awesome ! I have always had fear of the dentist. That went out the door with this place ... the girls Sandy , Karina ,Rhona are all great and accommodating .......if there were more stars I’d give more. Thank you girls for all you do as well as Dr.Secada who is the best !!!!!!😁

  • en

    jeanmarie novello


    A great experience with Dr Mike and Farah. They explained everything that was going to happen and made me feel comfortable. I would highly recommend this office. Everyone is so pleasant . Thank you Smilist!

  • en

    Karina Rivera


    This place is great. Very clean and caring. Dr. Maiorino is the best dentist. He explains everything. Every staff member I interacted with were helpful and very informative. My hygienist Ashely was gentle to the touch and my teeth look and feel great. Mind you i have a fear of cleanings due to how rough my past cleaning experiences have been. The front desk staff were so helpful and polite and have such excellent customer service. If i could give this office 10 stars i would.

  • young gordo

    young gordo


    2 hours ago The best dentist ever!! If i could give more stars I would. My hygienist Ashley was amazing, made me comfortable and relaxed. Also the ladies (Karina, Sandy, Rhona) at the front desk were so professional and polite. Such a great environment. :) will definitely refers my friends and family.

  • Shannon olivieri

    Shannon olivieri


    The office was like a conveyor belt of patients. Most of the time it was over crowded and there was no where to sit. You would end up standing for 20 minutes until a seat opened. I went to them because they were a pediatric dentist. Well at the end of my sons treatments they tell me he will need more work and to come back. I go to make an appointment and hey tell me oh we aren’t a pediatric dentist anymore?? Huh? Dr. Erica blew me off. Needless to say I did not go back. I have recently gone to another pediatric dentist in the area and wow what a difference! My son was treated like a VIP movie star. I would not recommend the Smilist unless you want an impersonal, cookie cutter experience.

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