The Shamrock w Cicero

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Shamrock


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1212, South Cicero Avenue, 60804, Cicero, Cook County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 708-477-4450
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.8651922, Longitude: -87.7451724

komentarze 5

  • Betsabed Venegas

    Betsabed Venegas


    Don’t come here at all I went two days ago I forgot my speaker called in within 5 mins of leaving the facility to let them know they told me they will grab it and put it away that I can get it in the morning I came in the morning house keeping havent touch the room that I was staying in but speaker is gone no one know nothing I asked management to check the cameras to see who is stealing from customers especially being something taken within the facility she was blaming me saying I took it and I told her all can be fixed by just taking a look at the cameras and she went off to tell me I’m a drunk instead of doing her job by handling a situation that can be easily fixed n solved by watching the camera footage again not a place to ever go again especially when an employee took my speaker and management refused to get to the bottom of it not manage properly Room was okay but having problems like this will bring a business down ppl that go to hotels to unwind and relax when something is taken from a guess management should be all hands on deck to solve who is robbing customers again place is not gonna thrive or grow when ppl who work there can easily take from customers

  • Zhenyu Zhang

    Zhenyu Zhang


    DON’t COME!!! The hotel is in a terrible neighborhood. The supposedly non smoking room is full of smoke smell. The staff is rude and not willing to make changes. Don’t stay at this awful place!! WORST experience ever.

  • Alexis Kennedy

    Alexis Kennedy


    Whatever you do, DO NOT STAY HERE. Especially if you’re a woman or have kids. This hotel is very dangerous. All kinds of sketchy stuff happening in the parking lot. The room is absolutely disgusting . Staff is as rude as could be. I was traveling with my best friend were both young ladies and we were unable to stay our reservation because of safety concerns. There was a shooting in the room above ours the first night and they refused to cancel and refund our reservation. We slept in the rental car in a safer location as we had not allocated extra money for another hotel, ( I know irresponsible but not the point). We tried staying another night of our reservation and an older drugged out male started banging on our window and door in the middle of the night trying to get us to come outside and refused to leave. The front desk never answered the phone and the cops never came when we called. The reviews on Expedia are very misleading as we were under the impression this would be a safe location that was budget friendly. Thankfully we’re okay after all of the incidents that occurred only hopeful no one else has to go through it. Please DO NOT STAY HERE.

  • Joey Gonzalez

    Joey Gonzalez


    I definitely didn't want to stay in Cicero, but I tried booking too late and didn't have many options for the holiday weekend. I was pleasantly surprised by the room though. Decently clean, recently updated, the AC worked fine, but took like 20min to kick on. Decent tv in the room with apps that you can log into if you have an account. No fridge though so be sure to bring a cooler. Front desk was pleasant and helpful.

  • Autumn McClintock

    Autumn McClintock


    Thin walls, gap under the doors that bugs and rain did get through. It's a quick in and out place, not a family stay. Room key needed to be refreshed every night. Parking lot has security. AC works though, and nobody bugs you.

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