The Screamery (Speedway Location) w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Screamery (Speedway Location)



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2545, East Speedway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 520-777-3080
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Latitude: 32.2365149, Longitude: -110.9342745

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mary Christoph


    Great ice cream. The coffee toffee and bourbon brickle were delicious. Definitely will be returning to explore other fun flavors.

  • en



    Love this place ! It's real ice cream. They do in season flavors,so it's always fresh. Never the ice crysyal freezer burned stuff I've had at other ice cream parlors! Always something new and fresh to try then decided on what flavors to get. Best thing is you can get the one scoop and still try 2 flavors😊

  • en

    T Nilson


    Customer service is barely ok and the ice cream itself was a disappointment!! I got the sampler and Several flavors were bland and tasted like cold milk... Not even sweet milk... But some were great like the coffee toffee. So if you're going to stop there taste before you order!!

  • en

    b pearson


    Very tasty ice creams. The service is always so friendly. We were actually given a small container of vanilla for our 'doodle to enjoy while we ate ours. Don't miss the coffee toffee! Mmmm.

  • Derek Kauanoe

    Derek Kauanoe


    I love local made ice cream and never eat at the large chain ice cream "parlors.". The Screamery is simply amazing. In Hawaii I loved eating ice cream from Bubbies and Lucy Lab Creamery. I'm convinced that once you eat here, you'll never want to eat anywhere else again. The Screamery has several unqiue flavors along with a lot of the same flavors as most other places. But you can taste the quality difference when you're eating Screamer ice cream. Anyway, I've only seen "Sweet Cream Honeycomb" at Screamery and I've never ordered anything else from here for myself since then. That was well over a year ago. Sweet cream honeycomb is basically a vanilla ice cream with what seems like toasted Honeycombs drenched in honey. It's amazingly tasty to the point where I haven't eaten my other favorites such as, cookies and cream or green tea. I'm sure you'll love it too.

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