The Rusty Scabbard w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Rusty Scabbard



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820, Lane Allen Road, 40504, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-278-6634
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.028103, Longitude: -84.540648

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adam White


    Cool place, lots of games and friendly people. Bathroom isn't great, and there's an odor to everything, but I think that's just people not bathing. Overall things are good here, better than some other places I've been to.

  • en

    Harrison Taul


    An awesome and wide selection. A veritable table top haven. Plenty of tables for campaigns, and if I understand correctly, the owner may also do commissions for painting miniatures! Got my first dice pouch here. Support this great, local Indie!

  • Luke Lauterbach

    Luke Lauterbach


    This is one of the best local game stores that I have been to. It isn't just for roleplaying or tabletop fans: the selection of board games is huge. Are prices slightly cheaper online? Sure. But this is definitely one local business that is worth supporting.

  • en

    James Holbrook


    The staff is friendly and knows their stuff. They have a great selection and the refreshed store looks great. I recommend them over Amazon any day of the week (no shipping cost!).

  • David Chamberlain

    David Chamberlain


    Great store with a surprisingly large selection and friendly, helpful staff. After not having played D&D since 3.5 was released I was missing it. I did some research on Pathfinder and was worried I might not be able to find any physical books. This store has tons of Pathfinder books, miniatures, and other tools to get you going. They also have a lot of D&D items and pretty much anything you can think of judging from what I saw when I was looking around. They also have a gaming area where people were playing every time I visited. The staff was very friendly and helpful, greeting us as we entered and asking if we needed any help. I’ve been here twice and had great experiences both times.

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