The Rock Bar & Grill w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Rock Bar & Grill



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414, Main Avenue, 07014, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-916-1888
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.839732, Longitude: -74.13415

komentarze 5

  • Bryan Essing

    Bryan Essing


    There's a sign on the entry door - "No gang colors"... As soon as the Paterson ghetto crowd rolls in.. fun is over... Then it gets scary.... This place was cool "once upon a time"...😳

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    Michael Burdulis


    What a dump. Besides the fact it's a cop hot spot, good luck getting a beer in less than twenty minutes thurs-sat and football Sunday and Mondays. Young, good looking crowd, but that often turns into stupid drunk girls or a testosterone contest. I'd avoid it if possible.

  • Wm. eS

    Wm. eS


    It's a nice bar tucked in a corner, always a good vibe there and the wings are really good just make sure you get your order in before it's the bartender's turn at darts... or you'll be waiting for a little.

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    Tom Studer


    Great for cold beers and darts. Older bar just like the ones I went to when I was younger. Great place. Bartenders are very nice.

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    M River


    This place is nasty.The bathrooms are filthy,the cook smokes and handles food with no gloves, terrible service(bartenders busy getting drunk with the locals),Passaic and Clifton cops love getting drunk and rowdy here, its never been renovated,so it looks like trash leftover from the seventies, and the crowd just sucks, people leave here drunk in their cars and no one says anything about it (guess why) Years ago,under different owners, this was a great neighborhood bar with great service and food,now it just needs to be shutdown and bulldozed. Its an eyesore from the inside out....

najbliższy Bar

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