The Reserve i Boston

Forenede StaterThe Reserve



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250, Franklin Street, 02110, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 617-451-1900
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Latitude: 42.3564331, Longitude: -71.0547923

kommentar 3

  • Joe Born

    Joe Born


  • Jyoti Shankar

    Jyoti Shankar


    "Boston's rudest and the most obnoxious tea". If you feel like being treated like sheer dirt, by all means patronize "The Reserve". In our short visit to this abysmal excuse for a tea room, we received a dose of the worst possible behaviour from the wait-staff. They handed us the menus after much dilly-dallying and as we started to look at their offerings, one of them had the gall to point and say: "Oh, and the portions are very small". Suffice it to say, we felt completely unwelcome and insulted. I cannot recall any restaurant staff being this ill-trained and uncouth ever. How can any food made or handled by these loathsome boors ever be considered edible? Avoid. Even if you need to endure a walk across the snow and cold to reach the wonderful, and warm-hearted establishments that surround this abomination.

  • en

    Katur Patel


    Came here after work for drinks. The space is large, open and very nice. Definitely on the fancier side with all clean white decor and crystal lighting fixtures. The bar is small and has small snacks (macaroons and such) in case you are hungry. They have about 10 or so staple liquors if you decided to get a drink and remained fairly empty even on a Friday night. There is plenty of seating space and works if you are setting up large party.

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