The Point w Boston

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Point



🕗 godziny otwarcia

147, Hanover Street, 02108, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-523-7020
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.36173, Longitude: -71.056963

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ian Sampson


    The point!!! Without a doubt the best bar in Boston, hands down. What more is there to say. GOAT burgers, GOAT fries, GOAT bartenders, GOAT prices. If the point had units available for rent, I would gladly sign a lease, no questions asked. In a city where cheap beer is hard to come by, the point is a diamond in the rough. I recommend the Point to anyone who likes beer, homies, and fire food

  • en

    Tiana Cody


    Best wings and chowder!! I love The Point, it's a home away from home for me. I can come for brunch, lunch, dinner or just drinks. Staff members are amazing, food and drinks are amazing, environment is full of good people and good vibes no matter what time of the day or night it is. Every day at The Point is a good day. I've been coming here for years and wouldn't trade my Point family for the world. You won't be disappointed

  • Timothy Johnson

    Timothy Johnson


    Great centrally located bar. Nice pub food. They don't take discover tho!

  • Tony Hudgins

    Tony Hudgins


    The Point is a great local sports bar with a ton of awesome bartenders. One bartender stuck in my mind, Rob! He went above and beyond when planning an event at the location. He gave me his personal number to ensure everything went without a hitch!

  • Ophelia Kennedy

    Ophelia Kennedy


    Stopped in for lunch the other day. I'm from NY, this was my first time there. I was really really suprised at the quality of the food. I was not expecting that from a pub. Very good food and fresh ingredients too. Highly recommend this place. The staff was wicked friendly too.

najbliższy Bar

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