The Play Place w Elmsford

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Play Place



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11, Clearbrook Road, 10523, Elmsford, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-347-5291
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.0726372, Longitude: -73.815719

komentarze 5

  • en

    Keerthana boloor


    Awesome indoor climbing for kids. Classes in the weekends, good birthday parties. Very clean bathrooms. #playdates #indoorclimbing

  • en

    Jesz Ski


    First time here this place is just amazing is so hard to find a place that’s not super crowed and age appropriate areas for my almost 2 year old.. my daughter had so much fun we spent about 2 hours there bought a some snacks sat down and ate and went back to playing.. I even had a few minutes to sit down and relax while she was in the toddler area behind the gates but I stood right there watching her the whole time the parents going in out out the area tend to leave the gates open and my daughter is a Lil runner lol... but overall great place for all ages thinking about doing my daughter 2nd birthday there

  • Shoshana Davis

    Shoshana Davis


    Intermittently crowded with a variety of ages. Good baby area, toddler area, larger climb/slides and 2 open areas (tennis and soccer). Often portions of the open pay areas are closed for private parties. Our almost 2 year old does well there. Major plus, they only charge for the child. Children do best with interactive play with an adult, but can also do well with good supervision. Happy camper, every time. Have only been there twice and only on Sunday morning.

  • Trevor Beckingham

    Trevor Beckingham


    This place is the perfect place if you have a chid from about a year old to about 10-12 years old. I started bringin my daughter here when she was 1+ years and now at 3+ she still loves coming here. The prices are very reasonable for just bringing kids to come and play. The size of this place is just right, the people who work here are great and they offer many things from soccer classes, to tennis lessons, to karate, dance, and many other things. One of my favorites is a family date night when you can drop your kid off for a couple hours and they show them a movie, play some games, and give them dinner. I really love it here and it is a locally owned place, with a very involved owner who is a great guy.

  • Roberto Melendez

    Roberto Melendez


    My son loves The Play Place. It is a step above other places with free play as they offer classes for the youngest of sports enthusiasts. I had enrolled my son in the soccer classes at 4 years old and he loved having fun and learning the basics at his pace. Exposure to tennis on site helped my son find interest in a new sport and learning how to play with others. I give it 5 stars because my only child is not a sore loser and plays well with others thanks to the environment here. :)

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