The Pearl Restaurant & Bar w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Pearl Restaurant & Bar



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1117, Prairie Street, 77002, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 832-200-8817
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Latitude: 29.760047, Longitude: -95.360266

komentarze 5

  • Rain Man

    Rain Man


    Filet was fantastic . Perfectly done . Atmosphere is very nice. Certainly worth a visit and one of our favorite spots in the theater district.

  • Queen Banks

    Queen Banks


    I do not normally eat at the hotel restaurants as the food is sometimes just ok. Great food and people. I had the breakfast there when staying and that is always good. The third time I was in town and at the Curio I decided to get dinner. I did not expect it to be so great. The Brussel sprouts were fantastic and salmon salad. Our server Jeffry was fantastic. He gave us many options for the food and explained all food items prior to ordering. Excellent service and great food. Not to mention the restaurant has a very nice ambiance/cozy and comfortable seating.

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    Ashley Mousavi


    Food and service were OUTSTANDING. Kristina the manager helped us create a special night with a group of 10 of us. She accommodated everything we needed and created a spectacular experience. Amy was our waitress and she was unbelievably friendly, fast and professional. Rodrick was the chef that evening and the food was so yummy! We will definitely be back, whether for a date night or big group! Definitely can't go wrong dining here!!

  • Michiel Buitelaar

    Michiel Buitelaar


    Nice food - though the portions are too big, and prices are pretty high (hence 3 stars not 4). Food good though. Service very OK. Atmosphere so-so, almost empty on Friday night. Sprouts were great. Fries - without pork, cheese and other over-the-top things - were nice. Fried oysters were OK but could/should have been bit more spicy.

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    Garry Phillips


    the Pearl has the best bouillabaisse I have had, way better than anything from Marseille, France and I travel a lot. not as spicy as our Cajun neighbors but incredible flavor and loaded with jumbo Gulf shrimp (not farmed), mussels, Grouper, scallops, and the Cocos nice touch. I will be back next week. And the service from Edgar was staff is great.

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