The Painted Lady w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Painted Lady



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1726, East Speedway Boulevard, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-326-8450
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.235689, Longitude: -110.946008

komentarze 5

  • Devin Hunter

    Devin Hunter


    Went in for my first tattoo the other day, Kyle made it a great experience. 100% satisfied with the art and service. Would definitely recommend this place to anyone.

  • en

    Nessie Messy


    I went in here hoping for a tattoo to cover up a name, I was greeted by a red headed lady who I felt wasn't too friendly from the start. I told her what I wanted she said she didn't want to tattoo something on me that I would feel the need to cover up with something larger then larger, in the years to come. I'm not sure who she think she is to judge my future, but me getting this tattoo was definitely not my intention to get a larger cover up several years later like she "assumed". That whole experience made me feel like this place is just a bunch of judgemental, too good to tattoo you sort of vibe. I ended up going down the street to Empire Tattoo and got a lovely tattoo that I definitely won't be covering up years to come. I'm actually very glad that I did NOT get a tattoo at this place everything happens for a reason.

  • en

    Sondra Cardwell


    The Painted Lady is the best! There is such amazing artist who take such pride in their work and give the customer more than what they imagine! I have had a Tattoo done by Brandon as well as my kids first Tattoo's were done by him as well. He did an amazing job! This is a professional and fun shop. The cleanest shop I have ever been in. If you are thinking of having a Tattoo done go to The Painted Lady it will be the best experience! Just had my eyeliner done by Sheryl! Such a great experience! Sheryl is so knowledgeable. Sheryl went over everything and was very thorough in explaining the process. Thanks Sheryl you did a great job!!! I love it.

  • Katie Cooper

    Katie Cooper


    I am incredibly happy with my first tattoo! Bryanna is an amazing artist and just a super cool human being, and everyone who works at this tattoo shop is professional, fun, and inviting. I felt at ease the entire time. Very clean, safe environment. I was also given clear aftercare instructions and felt like I could ask as many questions as needed without being a nuisance. Would recommend them to anyone!

  • en

    Maria Antoinette Land


    Kyle did a great job on my tattoo and consistently checked in with me during the process. It was super easy going and a pleasant, comfortable experience! Well, as pleasant as getting a bunch of tiny needles stabbed into your skin can be. ;) All of the staff were super friendly and it felt like we were already friends even though we just met. I'll be back and will definitely recommend!

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