The Nag's Head Pub i Hoboken

Forenede StaterThe Nag's Head Pub



🕗 åbningstider

359, 1st Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-653-6400
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7382126, Longitude: -74.0359113

kommentar 5

  • Max Di Biaggio

    Max Di Biaggio


    Amazing balls, the best aligaTorz

  • Glenn Berntson

    Glenn Berntson


    On my walk home. Cute little bar

  • Lucas Valdez

    Lucas Valdez


    Nice place for drinks, they have a selection of draft beers, which are good (they have scotish style beer, which I havent found anywhere else). You can select the music they play (if you pay) and they have a golf "arcade" game. They also have several tvs with different sport channels, if thats of any importance

  • en

    Joe Pritt


    Tyler was awesome! Accommodating in every way. put our game on and was very attentive. If your looking for neighborhood bar that allows you to bring in your own food...this is the place.

  • John O'Kean

    John O'Kean


    I love this place. Such an awesome little neighborhood pub.

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