The Music Zoo w Roslyn

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Music Zoo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

55, Lumber Road, 11576, Roslyn, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 844-687-4296
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8031357, Longitude: -73.6518709

komentarze 5

  • Christian DeVere

    Christian DeVere


    Couldn't be happier with my new Skervesen from the Music Zoo. First time customer won't be my last purchase! Quick on the shipping, item was new as described. Tip: put your details in the checkout on the website, don't complete the purchase. Wait for a 10% discount to arrive at your email and THEN checkout :) Totally worth it! Thank you!!

  • en

    Ray Mckenna


    Called about a fuzz pedal spike to Rose and got great advice from a professional that actually plays guitar ended up going there to make a purchase also bought a guitar there a couple of weeks ago very helpful staff best place to buy anything guitar related thank you for being so helpful

  • Jeremy Flinders

    Jeremy Flinders


    The selection is beautiful and the people are helpful and informative. I feel comfortable trying out guitars without feeling pressed to purchase something. Real Guitar Store

  • Road buster

    Road buster


    I bought an Ltd guitar online and had it shipped to me on the same day. I couldn't be happier. Everything looks good and plays good. I would highly recommend to anyone and will do business again. Great communication and excellent service .

  • Paul Fullem

    Paul Fullem


    Buy with confidence. The Music Zoo sells only the finest and respects customers with competitive prices. Rose was extremely helpful, knowledgeable, timely and most importantly honest. I made a couple of consignment deals and also bought a Strat outright over the last two weeks. The Strat was the best one I’ve ever played and set up well to my specs. However, there was a glitch in another order I had placed, no fault of The Music Zoo, but the item was defective from the factory and I wouldn’t have noticed until months later. Rather than send me a defective item, they informed me immediately. That is incredible service and because of this, I WILL buy my next high dollar item from them. Cant speak highly enough. Awesome.

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