The Metropolitan Caterers w Glen Cove

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Metropolitan Caterers



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3, Pratt Boulevard, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-671-4444
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8633024, Longitude: -73.629964

komentarze 5

  • James Mattimore

    James Mattimore


    Great venue for a wedding. Staff was very efficient and nice. Drinks were good. Ambience was wonderful. Parking was valet, but very fast. All in all a good place to hold a wedding. The whole family is happy. Four stars because of the location being so far north of the long Island expressway. Very easy to spot from the roadway.

  • en

    Jonmel Hurdle


    Great establishment for a wedding

  • en

    Willy D


    Had fun there. Food was good. Sometimes the seating gets tight.

  • Paul Kim

    Paul Kim


    Went for a wedding with wife and baby. There were no ramps for the stroller. They had no changing tables in both restrooms. They asked guests to exit the building after ceremony and walk around outside to access the cocktail lounge. On the flip side; staff were friendly, food was good, and I got a workout carrying the stroller up and down the stairs.

  • en

    Matthew Benedetto


    The Metropolitan was the perfect place for our wedding reception. We could not believe how beautiful everything look inside the venue for the night of the party. The food was on another level of good as it was absolutely amazing. I would recommend to anyone who is looking to use this venue, include the greasy bar at the end of the night because it put the cherry on top of an unbelievable party. John is a great guy who will go beyond measures to make sure the day is great for you. If I could give more then 5 stars I would!

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