The Mercury Hotel en Miami Beach

Estados UnidosThe Mercury Hotel


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100, Collins Avenue, 33139, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 305-763-8495
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 25.770097, Longitude: -80.134298

comentarios 5

  • Quii Palmer

    Quii Palmer


    This hotel was the worst hotel I have been to and stay in omg where can I start first off me and my family paid a month before hand to stay in a five person hotel when we got there they told us it wasn’t available even after we paid then made us wait four hours to only give us a one bedroom hotel for 5 people then after dealing with that they kept coming in are room messing with us telling us we could not have visitors even came in while we were undress Naked ! And yelling at us threading to kick us out of are room we didn’t have any tails or rags the few we had we had to wash are self with are own money they wouldn’t give us enough tissue for the bathroom the floors were so dirty flys flying all around everyday it was so crazy and they would be so disrespectful we didn’t have a real breakfast it was only a donut and coffeee that’s it this hotel need to get shut down and they need to get all fired because they had this man just staying at us when they enter are hotel without are say and just looked at us naked like I have never felt so uncomfortable disrespected by a hotel employees in my life the lady even was touching are things and she even pushed my sister this hotel don’t deserve no stars but I couldn’t even post the review without putting something

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    Stephen Pelletier


    STAY AWAYY!!!! This place is one othe worst places I have ever stayed in. This place is disgusting, my room was never cleaned after the last person who stayed there, throw up on the floor, glass in bed and the kitchen floor and pubic hair in my sheets. After complaining for hours they switched me to a “ supposedly better room” when I got in the new room the door was broken there was no hot water and no toilet paper or sheets and they didn’t fix the hot water until the following day and never brought any toilet paper. My vacation here has been a total nightmare!!! Please stay away from this place the photos dont even match what the rooms even look. This place doesn’t even deserve a 1 star ratting.

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    The hotel is older. We got a 2 bedroom. The smaller bedroom had a good mattress but bad support. Pool is small but amenities are here.for the price...for the areas. fair.

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    Kassidy Leibowitz


    Would give zero stars if I could. We went for spring break and booked three separate rooms. Upon arriving during check in time, one of the rooms was not cleaned yet and we were forced to wait an hour after check in time for them to finish cleaning. The man at the front desk said they would give us a complimentary dinner due to this but failed to do so by the end of the trip. The rooms, even after a 'thorough cleaning' were very dirty, with crumbs and such on the floors. The shower/tubs were missing handles and needed a good deep cleaning. It felt very unsanitary. In one of our rooms, the bathroom did not have a door but rather a curtain and there was no shower curtain so we were forced to shower out in the open. The pull out couch was destroyed and the fake leather on the couches was pealing off. Additionally, there were nat-like flies in the rooms. There was construction in the main lobby of the "hotel" and the elevator buttons on the third floor did not light up, so you had to hope that the elevator registered what floor you wanted to go to (there were three floors). Overall, the mercury hotel is rather a motel and I would not recommend that anyone stay there. The only reason we did not switch hotels is because we could not get our money back for the 5 night stay. I ended up booking a hotel for one-night further down the street in order to take a good shower. Extremely disappointed with the experience here.

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    Jasmine Simmons


    My room was dusty when I checked in. Also the towels didn't match and no soap in the bathrooms. The whirlpool in the hotel didn't work. Also for the first two days of my stay the cable in the room didn't work. Only thing that I enjoyed is that the hotel is located close to most attractions. This hotel did not meet my expectations.

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