The Melting Pot w Darien

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Melting Pot



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14, Grove Street, 06820, Darien, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-656-4774
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.075899, Longitude: -73.47291

komentarze 5

  • Larson Shih

    Larson Shih


    Lovey and cozy place. Sweet bartender, nice outdoor live music and nice but light food

  • en

    Catherine Deitelbaum


    We always go for the teacher week specials, it is a favorite meeting spot Midway for CT and NY friends. This is always a fun spot, with a great cocktail menu. They also provide extra dippers for the cheese and dessert menu. My only reason for 4 stars is they have upped the prices and downsized the meat course in the years that we have come here.

  • Marianna Camisão de Oliveira

    Marianna Camisão de Oliveira


    Amazing experience! The staff is very nice and they decorated my table for a romantic dinner and I just loved it! That was my first time in a foundue restaurant and the staff made everything easy for me while explaining about the cooking process and the best combinations of ingredients. I tried the Sunday brunch and it includes a little bit of all they have in the menu for under $30 per person. At first I thought it wasn't enough food but they bring a little bit at time and by the end I was over satisfied. It was just perfect! I didn't take many photos because I was too busy enjoying the food :)

  • Monique Ruffin

    Monique Ruffin


    Enjoyed dinner at the Melting Pot in Darien for my sister's birthday. Our server Julie was awesome and walked us through the process. We decided to go for the four course meal that consisted of cheese, salad, entree and dessert. We all shared the fiesta cheese course and dipped an array of veggies, bread and granny Smith apples. I enjoyed the Caesar salad. Which was probably the best salad I have had in a while. For the entree, I had the assortment of meats. The spice rub pork and steak was my favorite. And finally for dessert we had the turtle dark chocolate. YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY. Entire dinner was delicious. The Melting Pot is expensive but worth it for the unique dining experience. I was full but not that uncomfortable feeling. Will return again.

  • Erik Nelson

    Erik Nelson


    A great place to grab a bite to eat with friends or family. The menu can be a little too overwhelming at times and is not straight forward. Overall the food was tasty and filling. The staff are very friendly and helpful as well. Definitely worth trying even if you only go in just for the chocolate fondue dessert.

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