The Madison Bar & Grill en Hoboken

Estados UnidosThe Madison Bar & Grill



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1316, Washington St, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-386-0300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7531834, Longitude: -74.0263987

comentarios 5

  • en

    margarita carrion


    Absoulutely a very friendly place including staff. Food is excellent as well large portions. Enjoyed the variety of people,

  • Pedro Henrique Veronezi e Sá

    Pedro Henrique Veronezi e Sá


    We come here at least once a month, last week was the first time they asked me to take my hat off in the restaurant area, I thought it was kinda odd. Great food and drinks menu. The restaurant area is not that noisy, which is a plus for me.

  • en

    Mark Jewell


    Lively bar/restaurant on the corner with partial views out onto the street. Large beer range as well as the usual liquor selection. Great happy hour (at least on thur). Stays open late so you need to control yourself if you need to go to work the next day. Also has an upstairs although I didn't visit.

  • Barney Simon

    Barney Simon


    Stopped in for their "first seating" which is the early bird special. Nice wine pricing bythe bottle. Three courses. Meatballs and mussels for our apps. If the meatballs had pasta, it could have been dinner! The mussels head a wonderful sauce. Entrees were the pork chop and the hanger steak. The preparation on both was perfect. Desert was the pumpkin spice cheese cake with ginger ice cream, and lava cake with the raspberry sorbet. All told, a very pleasant experience. Remember they validate parking!

  • Iliana MV

    Iliana MV


    Nice variety of drinks and food. We just tried an onion soup. It was tasty but heavy. We also had a glass of wine and a beer. The service was weird. They didn't accept our payment by card but they couldn't explain why. The weekends is crowded.

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