The Long Island Violin Shop w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Long Island Violin Shop



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8, Elm Street, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 855-343-3535
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Latitude: 40.870052, Longitude: -73.425596

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alma Rivera


    Good quality violin with reasonable price.

  • en

    Justin Biot


    EDIT: [This is an amendment to my earlier review] My father and brother went back to the shop to fix the violin bridge falling off and to talk about fiber glass bow that was given to him. They said the shop was extremely nice about fixing the bridge, and we're especially professional about presenting it to him. They also swapped out the bow to the the Revelle Raven. The lady at the shop that sold us the violin said that it was an honest mistake that they packaged a different bow than they originally showed him. They were happy to swap it out and that they care more about their reputation than losing a bit of money, which is very commendable. So all in all, I'm very satisfied with the outcome of all this and will gladly go back there in the future. I will leave the original review below for reference. - Original review: Went to the Huntington location. Had a very good experience getting a new violin for my younger brother. They let him play with two intermediate violins and a Revelle Raven carbon fiber bow. My father ended up purchasing a $600 outfit after talking with the lady that worked there, and my brother got to play with both the bow and violin for a little while, and he loved it. They went into the back and packaged it up in a case, and everything was nice. But the bow that was packaged in the case was not the bow they gave him to play. Instead of a the Raven bow that he played with, they ended up giving him a cheap $50 'k holtz' fiber glass bow without telling us. She also gave him very cheap dark rosin and said that it was "better for his bow" when in reality it's the exact opposite (the case came with decent light rosin so he just uses that). So overall, good experience on the surface but they took advantage of my father's lack of knowledge. We'll probably go check out the one in Setauket sometime but we will not be going back to the Huntington location.

  • en

    Gaurish Hattangadi


    They have an excellent violin rental program. But it will get expensive in the long run - better to buy a full size at the earliest. Service is very good with well informed staff but they can get crowded

  • Barry Sosnick

    Barry Sosnick


    Excellent for my son's cello lessons. Great and reliable instructors. I have also seen the salespeople interact with people shopping for bows. They seemed very knoweldgeable, patient and very low pressure.

  • Elizabeth Kolligs

    Elizabeth Kolligs


    I am a beginner violinist and have been taking lessons every week for a year at this location. I am overjoyed with my amazing instructor, Jen. This place is a cultural oasis. The display of instruments is stunning. One of the best things I have ever done was to embark on learning to play this noble instrument and thanks to the warm and generous staff, my dream of learning about music and playing an instrument is happening with great satisfaction.

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