The Loft at Ariana's Grand w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Loft at Ariana's Grand


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4864, Arthur Kill Road, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-966-4522
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Latitude: 40.5233969, Longitude: -74.2385324

komentarze 5

  • Enrique Alonso

    Enrique Alonso


    Great place to celebrate a party!!!

  • en

    Santina Anderson


    We had our daughters Communion party at Ariana’s Loft and it was magnificent! The food was delicious, and the staff was great!!! My guests were bragging how great everything was! A big thank you to Joe for making sure everything was perfect! Definitely will be having more parties there!!!

  • en

    John Modica Jr


    I've been a guest previsouly and thought the place was great, however I had a party and was very disappointed in the place, I knew it was going bad when we thought we were paying a certain amount, to find out there was a add on fee of 20% service fee, for salary and insurance of employees thats in the fine print, that should be added in before hand, or mentioned, so in reality you assume your paying one thing ahead, instead it's much more, I guess they let you think you're getting a good deal, then you realize somewhere else may have been a better choice, an hour before the party the place was still not entirely set up, to many chairs on tables, missing hi chairs, a missing table, I ignored it all, my biggest complaint was over 100 people attended, it was a buffet, and not enough food at all...never really repleneshed the food station, breads all gone, food was just ok as well, it was embarrassing, If you didn't get up when your table was called you did not eat!, close family members mentioned it to me, so guests were very aware, after my party people started telling me bad reviews, wished I had known before, only reason I chose to write this, is to make people aware, do not be fooled, staff was accommodating its not their fault, just sorry I didn't choose the Grand Plaza instead, lesson learned....

  • en

    Barbara Malach


    The Loft At Ariana's on Arthur Kill Rd is a spectacular venue for throwing a party. Last night had a fundraiser with 178 strong supporters. The food was delicious and plentiful, the bar served up some top shelf drinks and the service was white glove. Planning our next party at The Loft 👍👍👍

  • en

    Sam G


    I had my daughter's christening here yesterday 1/15/17. I've attended party's here and the other location in NJ a few times and that is why I chose The Loft. Food was amazing as it always is. Service was perfect. I can't say enough about how great we were all treated from the owner, to the manager Joe, Samantha the Maître D' and ALL the staff. I highly recommend having your event here or any of the Ariana Venues.

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