The Lice Expert of Westchester w Dobbs Ferry

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Lice Expert of Westchester



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60, Blanchard Avenue, 10522, Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-424-1367
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0154414, Longitude: -73.8515317

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jean Hurler


    I was horrified recently when I found out my daughter had lice. This was her first time. I contacted Dale and she took me right away. My anxiety was immediately lessened upon arrival and when I left there I knew exactly what I needed to do to continue the treatment. All of Dale's products are natural and she is extremely knowledgeable. Her pricing is reasonable too. If you are ever in this situation I highly recommend Dale.

  • en

    Natalie Dicola


    Amazing from the first call to the end result. Very informative, kind, welcoming and gentle. Highly recommended. Even as a preventative- take precaution and get checked! Will be reccemonding from now on. Thank you so much for being my life saver!

  • en



    Unfortunately we experienced the horror of having lice and found Dale in westchester. She worked patiently and diligently on my daughters head until she was clear of nits and lice. THANK YOU SO MUCH! This place is clean, welcoming and she’s very knowledgeable and provided us with lots of tips to prevent this from happening Again. Highly recommend!

  • Lauren Feliz

    Lauren Feliz


    Very friendly and she makes sure the kids feel comfortable. I definitely recommend people to come here.

  • en

    Paulie C


    Mrs. Dale, thank you so much for welcoming us with open arms on short notice. Not only did you do a spectacular job on all 4 of us but you place is set up for young children in a way that they feel at home and safe. The kids enjoyed all the toys and activities you provided for them and that is what made the whole experience that much easier. Thank you very much for your help and expertise you did a wonderful job. Hopefully if we don’t need to but if the time comes for it there is no doubt that we will call you.

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