The Law Offices of Robert J Nahoum w Nyack

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Law Offices of Robert J Nahoum



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48, Burd Street, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-232-0202
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.090218, Longitude: -73.917298

komentarze 3

  • Karen Bennett

    Karen Bennett


    I contacted Robert Nahoum after reading several helpful articles on his web site. He was not able to take my case, yet he was very generous with his time. He did answer some questions for me, and pointed me in the right direction as how to proceed with my case. Thanks to Rob, things went far better than they might have otherwise.

  • en

    James C


    I found Robert to be phenomenal and would not hesitate to recommend his services. He was not only very helpful, easy to speak with and responsive but also extremely well-versed in his legal area of expertise. I reached out to him to help a close relative with a credit card debt dispute that had been mishandled by a previous law firm. Robert not only took the time to listen but was very detailed and thorough in explaining all options available and steps involved with each one. He never tried to push any additional services unless he believed there would be a true benefit and even when he made a suggestion he also made sure he was very clear on the potential risks of going with the respective alternative(s). He was able to resolve my relative’s issue in his favor and even undid some of the damage that had been caused by the previous firm. All in all, I think Robert is a truly competent, responsive, and helpful attorney. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for advice and/ or assistance with debt dispute or bankruptcy matters!

  • en

    Edgar Servando


    Robert took on our case in which my wife was unjustly being sued for something nearly 18yrs ago and not only removed that issue but in addition countersued the group for making false and incorrect procedures for the serving process. He in essence saved us the grief of having to deal with the group but was also able to generate for us some unexpected funds from the countersuit. He really stood up for us and made us feel someone solid and genuine was on our side. Total kudos to Robert! Highly recommend him for anyone out there with similar situations.

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