The Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

111, North Post Oak Lane, 77024, Houston, Harris County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 713-680-2626
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.767613, Longitude: -95.460465

komentarze 5

  • mc lizotte

    mc lizotte


    Well located Hotel with resort feel. All the amenities, spa area, gym, a beautiful outdoor running track with lots of greenery and three pools! The restaurant is currently being renovated, but nice choices at the bar area. I had a steak and crab, it was delicious nice selection of wines and bottled beer. Another more upscale restaurant is available on the property. I removed a star because the rooms while clean and comfortable feel dated, especially the washrooms. Regardless we have been here twice and will be back.

  • en

    Rita Baldwin


    In spite of a very disturbing treatment at the World Renown Spa, Trellis, I had a phenomenal stay at the hotel. Staff made me feel valued and very special. Hotel staff showed a true appreciation of their customers and were very customer friendly! I want to give a special thanks to Manager Jorge Perez who took responsibility for the bad treatment I received at the spa since Spa staff and personnel refused to do so! Thank you Mr. Perez for turning what could have been a disastrous stay to a very rewarding weekend!!

  • en

    John Pham


    My wife, baby and I stayed at the Houstonian for three nights. We had a very nice experience. The guest service was impeccable. We enjoyed the outdoor pool areas. (There are no indoor pools.) We initially had trouble accessing the pool area with our cards, but the desk service was helpful and someone showed us the correct gate to use. We also took our baby to play for a couple of hours in the Houstonian Club and played inside in the supervised children's area and outside in the playground.

  • Michael Adrian

    Michael Adrian


    We stayed here for some business meetings, and I have to say...I'm not sure that I get the hype. I spend about 150-200 nights in hotels every year and the Houstonian was not bad, but also didn't really stand out for me. So, let's start out with the good stuff. The staff was awesome, and we're always more than willing to help out. They were kind, helpful, and everything you would expect. Also, the grounds we're very pretty and well maintained. The big room up front had a gorgeous fireplace and was perfect for this rare occasion of cold weather. On the downside, the rooms were dated, the bathrooms we're tiny, and there was tons of construction. Also, I lose a fair amount of respect for any hotel that isn't downtown and charges for parking. Long story short - good experience, but I just expected more given the hype. Didn't get the chance to try the spa so maybe that's where I'm missing out.

  • Livia Castellanos de Bonola

    Livia Castellanos de Bonola


    This experience was so special to me. My husband got us a couples spa day as a surprise for my birthday. I had never had a professional facial or massage done before. The staff was incredibly friendly and helpful in answering our questions and helping us feel comfortable. Tiffany and Robyn were amazing. I loved the different stone and wood details throughout the building. I loved that my husband chose the Holiday season to go, it is absolutely my favorite decor season. The fact that we were unplugged from technology made it a greater experience. It was weird at first not knowing what time it was or not taking pictures but it definitely helped us enjoy it better. It was an unforgettable experience.

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